Fyren EkAlmen
Safety, Responsibility, Inner Motivation and Selfknowledge
Welcome to Fyren EkAlmen!
Fyren EkAlmen is a private school for children in the ages 6-12 years. The school is beautifully situated close to lake Hjälmaren and to the nature areas in Ekeby-Almby east of Örebro.
Hamnen is a part of Fyren EkAlmen. Hamnen is the after-school centre for those children who need care after the schoolday has ended. It is open from 6.00 a.m. until 5.30 p.m.
Fyren EkAlmen is run by the company Fyren EkAlmen AB and the owners and leaders of the school are Marie Einarsson, Hanna Rådehed, Lisa Dudal and Sabina Segerlund, four teachers with a lot of experience from school. Marie Einarsson is the principal of the school.
The school opened in August 2012.
Our vision
”Fyren EkAlmens guides the pupil to find tools and courage to meet and develop the future,
Our pedagogic idea
The school has an ambition, like the real lighthouse, to lead the path for our pupils. Our pedagogic idea is based on five different parts.
Our four watchwords – SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITY, INNER MOTIVATION and SELFKNOWLEDGE, which pervates all activities at school in different ways. These words build the personal development, which is an important basis for a good development of knowledge.
Multiple intelligenses – to let the pupils use different ways of learning.
Entrepreneurial learning – to encourage and go through with the pupils ideas.
Flexible learning – we focus on the development of learning, instead of time for learning.
Leadership – we use a pronounced leadership in the classroom, and encourage pupils to be good models for each other.
Dialogue – we continuously use the dialogue with each pupil to engourage and talk about how to develop their own knowledge and skills.
As a pedagogue at Fyren EkAlmen, you´re expected to follow our watchwords, and to be a pronounced, encouraging and challenging adult who can find out the child´s inner motivation and different talents and to guide it into a personal development.
Welcome to Fyren EkAlmen for a studyvisit, where you can take part in our activities during a day.
You´ll have information about school, our ideas and how we work with the pupils.
Send an e-mail to skola@fyrenekalmen.se to plan your visit.